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5 Flavors to Try This Weekend


Ju Juice Company

Visual identity and new packaging range for one of Australia's most famous fruit drinks that helped increase sales by 60 percent.

JU Juices is Australia’s most popular mango drink. Made with fresh oranges, mangoes and other fruits, it can be available in every little store on every little street throughout the broad subcontinent.

Catering to all, it offers a wide selection of products that range from one litre bottles to 90ml pouches.

When Leonantus began working on a new and eye-catching packaging for JU Juices as well as developing a visual identity for the drink, we knew it was going to be a great project.

The brief was to develop a rebrand that was sensitive to the beloved status of JU Juices, but also radical enough to attract new consumer groups. Specifically, the brand had to attract fifteen to thirty five year olds, who was unknown from the drink. The rebrand was a quick success and after it’s established in February 2015, retail sales increased by 60 percent.

Leonantus revisit the project in JU Juices: a Brand New Design. In the film, it is viewed how Leonantus developed an eye-catching visual identity and new packaging range for JU Juices that adopted soft drink trends to represent modern Australia.

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